Automation Engineering

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Automation Engineering

Automation engineering is a rapidly growing field that is changing the way we live and work. We have recognized the potential of automation engineering and has made it one of our core services. One of the key benefits of automation engineering is the ability to reduce manual labor and increase efficiency.

With ISPL's automation solutions, businesses can improve their operations, reduce errors, and increase productivity, freeing up time and resources for other areas of their business.

Our automation engineering solutions are designed to be flexible, scalable, and efficient, ensuring that you can achieve your goals without sacrificing quality or performance. Our team has the ability to handle complex manual QA tasks.

Our offerings include

  • Architecting and building robust automation framework to support multiple platforms, and multi-browser
  • Industry solutions using Selenium and QTP
  • Functional, API, UI Automation
  • Performance, security, and load testing Automation

Tools & Technologies:

  • TestNG
  • Selenium WebDriver, QTP
  • Java, JMeter, Maven
  • HTML 5 / CSS 3
  • Jenkins